Physio’s ego prevents dangerous fall from moral high ground

Physio’s ego prevents dangerous fall from moral high ground

In spectacular scenes atop Mount Righteous yesterday, a Physio and Chiro clashed in a headstrong display of faux masculinity over the vexed topic of how best to generate theory, develop research, and integrate evidence into clinical practice. The incident was witnessed by a group lurking on an adjacent ridge. “I saw them going for it. They weren’t holding back at all.” said one witness. “It all got pretty messy pretty quick. It started out politely enough but it only took a couple of snide comments and a sideways glance and they were into it”.

Another lurker told us that it’s not the first time these two have clashed. “Those two love it up there on Mount Righteous. They never resolve anything though. Yesterday I thought for a moment that one of them was done for. He looked off balance and it looked like one more blow would lead him to lose his moral high ground, but at the last moment he puffed his massive ego, deflected blow and regained his footing. It ended in a stand off, as usual, with all of us lurkers wondering why the fuck these two can’t find a better means to their desired ends”.

Jim Molan's Q&A performance sparks interest from Australian Vaccination Network HR Department

Jim Molan's Q&A performance sparks interest from Australian Vaccination Network HR Department

Manual Therapist inducted into Super Villain hall of fame

Manual Therapist inducted into Super Villain hall of fame