Pfizer Vaccine Recipient Lords It Over AZ Loser
A resident of the City’s Ritzy Eastern Suburbs has received the Pfizer vaccine… and she wants everyone to know about it. Claudia Deecup, 29, took to social media to announce that she had received her second Pfizer jab after leveraging her hard earned privilege to jump queue ahead of 1 or 2 million of her substantially less important fellow citizens. The aspiring Bachelorette contestant and former winner of the prestigious Miss Nude NSW competition was gracious in her announcement.
“Hi lovelies… 2nd fiza jab done… so blessd xoxo…I emplore yous all to get vax asap. but not the AZ one… thats for Mt Druit toilet cleaners and Penrith Panthers supporters… fuk that shit. not long til we party again!!!” #Fizametwice