Surgeon: You’ll Be Back To Normal In 6 Weeks

Surgeon: You’ll Be Back To Normal In 6 Weeks

A Superhero Surgeon has assured a patient that the recovery timeframe for a prospective rotator cuff repair and biceps tendon tenodesis will be “no more than 8 weeks”.

“Yeah, you’ll be in hospital for a couple of days. After that we’ll get those wound dressings off quicker than a bride’s nightie” explained the Surgeon, “And then the sling comes off a few weeks later… You’ll see the Physio for a few sessions, they can help a bit. And I’ll see you again at week 8, and after that I’ll never see you again. And since I’ll never see you again, we can all safely assume you’re back on the court good as fucken gold!

The Patient accepted the Surgeon’s parting fist bump and confidently signed up for the surgery.

More to come.

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