Gist Of Research Gotten From Abstract

Gist Of Research Gotten From Abstract

It has been confirmed that gifted Clinician, Tyrone McSweeneyweeney has developed a unique capacity to fully comprehend the entire body of research via a cursory glance at the abstract of a moderately relevant research article.

Mr McSweeneyweeny, who identifies as a non binary experience based practitioner, spoke with our reporter. “Well it’s no secret that I have incredible clinical intuition. That gives me my edge in the clinic. But it also allows me to comprehend the outcomes of complex research without being limited by tedious methodological critiques or data analysis. I mean really, who needs chi square tests or odds ratios analyses when you see things as clearly as I do. That stuff seriously just cramps my style”.

In a moment of non-silent introspection, Mr McSweeneyweeny wondered aloud to our reporter about why these research heavy clinicians spend sooooo (sic) much time discussing the minutia of research articles, musing that, “I guess knowledge just doesn’t come to some as easy as it does for me”.

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