Woke Clinician Reminds Group That Everything Depends On Context
“I think it’s important that we remember that there are always psychosocial elements at play in every treatment encounter”.
These were the words repeated for the 700th time in the past three months by local clinician, Boyd Boyle, who has branded himself “woke” after recently learning about the concept of biopsychosocial something or other.
“I’m just so sick of seeing examples of other practitioners posting comments about the B without going out of their way to acknowledge the PS like I do five times per day. You can just tell those people have no fucking idea what they’re talking about. Admittedly, I used to be like that too, way back in July, but thats no excuse for these other clowns. And don’t get me started on those dopey losers who think the bio stand for “biomechanics” and not “biological”… it’s so hard being one of the few woke clinicians driving our profession forward.