‘Syndesmosis’ supercedes ‘Osteitis Pubis’ as most prevalent Footy injury

‘Syndesmosis’ supercedes ‘Osteitis Pubis’ as most prevalent Footy injury

Reports of ‘Syndesmosis’ injuries rose sharply over the 2019 season, according to a report published by the Australian Footy Codes Commission (AFCA). The report has led some to speculate that unsuitable pitch conditions may be causing an increase in ankle injuries.

A deeper analysis of injuries sustained over the course of the season however, reveals that there wasn’t in fact a true rise in the incidence of Syndesmosis injuries. Rather, our investigators observed a sharp increase in sports media identities reporting all ankle injury as “A Syndesmosis”. A retrospective analysis of the 2018 season revealed a similar reporting anomaly for groin injuries, which were universally reported as “Osteitis Pubis”.

Host of triple N’s weekend NRL programming, Anthony Purple told us that sports radio and tv broadcasters have no idea about the ins and outs of injuries. “We don’t have a clue, mate. Osteitis Pubis and Syndesmosis are bloody hard to pronounce, and saying them right makes you sound real smart… so you just say it as often as you can whenever you get a chance”.

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