Immeasurably clean clinic now ten times cleaner

Immeasurably clean clinic now ten times cleaner

Businesses that have remained open during the Coronavirus crisis have been forced to navigate the tricky marketing task of explaining how they have been mitigating the risk of virus spread without creating the perception that pre-coronavirus, their businesses were hubs for microbial infection and spread.

The Good Health Tribune’s research team has been scouring social media channels to learn how businesses are managing this dilemma. An Instagram post from Happy Backs Physio Pty Ltd claimed;

“Our cleanliness standards have always been perfect, beyond reproach, no room for improvement- immeasurably clean… but now they’re ten times betterer”.

Special tests for knee pathology prove inconclusive

Special tests for knee pathology prove inconclusive

Revealed: President Trump's favoured replacement for Dr Anthony Fauci

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