Elite Private School’s athletics coach seduced by pubescent child

Elite Private School’s athletics coach seduced by pubescent child


An explosive story on ABC’s 4 corners program last night revealed a worrying culture of privilege and abuse of power in an elite private school in Melbourne. The Good Health Tribune interviewed a spokesperson from a similarly elite Sydney based private school. The spokesperson preferred to remain anonymous.

“I think we can all agree that there’s a reasonable limit to one’s capacity to resist temptation… I mean this athletics coach is human, right? He is not infallible. We’ve had similar issues in our school and we decided not to sit on our hands. These incidents are unacceptable. We didn’t want to see future coaches or teachers being seduced by one of these temptress children. So we implemented a program that teaches our students to behave in a less sexually enticing manner in the presence of teachers, coaches and other adult authority figures.

It’s been a tremendous success. Our teachers feel safer coming to school each day. And if any teacher does err, the student involved now understands it was his fault for being to seductive” said the College spokesperson.

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